Climate change and natural resource condition in the Goulburn Broken Catchment

>  Goulburn Broken CMA

The Goulburn Broken CMA coordinates NRM in the Goulburn Broken Catchment, Victoria, guided by the Goulburn Broken Regional Catchment Strategy (RCS).

The Goulburn Broken CMA develops and coordinates the implementation of the Goulburn Broken RCS in collaboration with the community, all tiers of government, regional authorities and research and funding organisations.

Major challenges for NRM in the Goulburn Broken Catchment include degraded river health, reduced extent and quality of native vegetation, reduced water quality and quantity, dryland and irrigated salinity, loss of biodiversity, and pest plant and pest animal invasion. These challenges are all being exacerbated by climate change.

The Goulburn Broken CMA developed a Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Natural Resource Management in the Goulburn Broken Catchment in 2016, the development of this plan was supported by funding from Stream 1 of the Australian Government’s Regional Natural Resource Management Planning for Climate Change Fund. 

The information this web page summaries some of the key outcomes from the Climate Change Adaptation Plan. For a copy of the complete plan please click Climate change strategies and plans - GB CMA - Goulburn Broken CMA