Policy Statements

>  Glenelg Hopkins CMA

Glenelg Hopkins CMA policy statements

The challenge of climate change is fundamentally different from all other threats to biodiversity and ecosystem function. It requires a shift in the way natural resource management (NRM) objectives are developed. Despite the overall trend of a hotter and drier climate being clear there are uncertainties in climate change projections and their application at a regional level. These uncertainties are compounded when identifying impacts at local scales because of complexities in ecological interactions and interdependencies. Glenelg Hopkins CMA has developed a set of policy statements that move away from defining static objectives to ones that are more appropriate under a changing climate, and that allow planning for a range of different future states. These statements form the basis of the CMA’s adaptive approach to regional planning under a changing climate and will assist the CMA to:

  • provide regional leadership and set the example of best practice management of natural resources under climate change

  • manage for resilience and transformation

  • manage adaptively for multiple scenarios and for multiple possible futures

  • keep up to date with research and undertake long-term monitoring of species, communities and ecological processes.